Hitpoint Pals

Days of Xbox Live



Episode 18: First things first, everyone saw Godzilla: King of the Monsters this weekend, so before we can get anything done we have to get our thoughts on big monster movie out of the way. Then it's a full fledged Kojimian nightmare as we remark on the latest Death Stranding trailer, our histories with Kojima games, and our hopes and skepticism about the upcoming "strand game." But then things get real dark. First we discuss the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare trailer and presentation summaries. Activision's "reboot" of the most loved Call of Duty game will feature brand new commentary on the realities of war while still making shooting guns feel cool. Then our conversation unravels into a larger criticism of imperialism, military grandstanding, international diplomacy, the corrupt loop of the military industrial complex, and straight up war crimes. But we wrap up on a lighter note with the games we've been playing, including Travis' adventures in The Outer Wilds, Caleb's revisit to Dead Space, Rebekah's Civili