Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding And Fitness Podcast

You Get What You Focus On (But You Don't Get What You Don't Focus On) - MTJM #3



If you want to become better at what you do than the vast majority of people in the world, you're going to have to put more focus, time, and effort into what you do. That's seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? If you aren't getting what you want in life, are you really investing the focus, time, and effort that you must? If not, where is all that energy going? You get what you focus on in life--but you don't get what you don't focus on. There's a reason why people with amazing bodies have those amazing bodies. Sometimes, they don't even realize it. Click here to get More Than Just Muscles tips and the newsletter. Get access to exclusive next level strategies you won't find anywhere else in the bodybuilding and fitness world! This MORE THAN JUST MUSCLES podcast is specifically designed to help dedicated bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts who find themselves asking "Is this all there is?" from time to time--no matter how great they PHYSICALLY look and feel or how many people respect and admire what they've be