Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Do you know anyone diagnosed with cancer? With Deb Sloan



This Monday I will have the pleasure to have Deborah Sloan, Radiant Resilience! Expert, as my guest for my LIVE Light Warrior Radio Show. As a Radiant Resilience! Expert, she guides those who are living with cancer and feeling desperate, depleted and resentful on a transformational journey to feeling peaceful, joyful and grateful...  Ultimately finding calm in a life of chaos.  She has discovered that every person’s journey is unique. Your pain and suffering are not like anyone else’s. Your treatment and goals will not be either.  Physical, Emotional, Spiritual suffering does not have to be part of anyone’s journey. Her vast educational background means she can suggest and provide a variety of approaches and programs tailored to the individual and family’s needs.      As a nurse of 30+ years, Craniosacral Therapist and Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner, the options available for support are threefold.  Deborah supports those diagnosed with cancer no matter whether they choose conventional medicine, a