Seton Hall Sports Poll

April 2017 - NFL/NHL Moving To Las Vegas, Women Coaching Women's Sports



With the NFL and NHL about to move into Las Vegas for the first time, nearly half of the US population foresees the increased likelihood of players, referees or team officials gambling on the outcome of games.  A Seton Hall Sports Poll found that 46% responded yes to the question of increased likelihood for gambling on games, while 42% thought the likelihood would not increase. The poll, conducted this week asked 687 adults (on both landline and cellphone) whether professional teams should be making their home in Las Vegas, and 47% responded yes, with only 27% no.  26% said they had no opinion.  The poll, sponsored by The Sharkey Institute, has a margin of error of 3.8%. When asked if the move to Las Vegas will tarnish the league’s reputation, 21% said it would harm the NFL and 19% said it would harm the NHL.   ONE IN FOUR SEES NEED FOR MORE WOMEN COACHING WOMEN’S TEAMS The Poll asked several questions regarding women’s sports and women coaches. The public seems perfectly fine with men coaching women’s tea