Give Me A Sense With Mike Yam

E22. Beto Duran Lakers Reporter and Boxing PxP Voice



Beto Duran is a Los Angeles based bilingual sports broadcaster who has covered Southern California sports since 2005. He goes through his amazing journey from passing out shirts and bumper stickers to being on air. Duran’s path is unlike most in the business. He’s the first guest on the Give Me a Sense podcast whose primary gig for most of his career was radio. He has amazing stories of his break through moments to get into the business, why he was able to land an on air job from just answering calls at a radio station, and why relationships might be the most important aspect of broadcasting.  Beto also explains why being bilingual has become an asset will covering teams and after spending years covering the Lakers, he’ll reveal his favorite Kobe Bryant Stories.   Beto Duran: Twitter: @DuranSports and @LTDpod Instagram: @Betovision Check out Beto's Living the Dream Podcast.   Mike Yam: Twitter @Mike_Yam Instagram: @Mike_Yam Facebook: Mike Yam