Up Your Volume

Adventures in Brain Injury



Join us for this exciting podcast where we will be joined by Tramatic Brain Injury survivor, Cavin Balaster.  Cavin is a severe traumatic brain injury survivor, speaker, and educatorwith a mission is to help families, practitioners, and survivors of all kinds, by sharing the important information I learned throughout and after my recovery from TBI.  In 2011, Cavin survived a two-story fall, was comatose for twelve days, diagnosed with a diffuse axonal injury (DAI) and was given less than a 10% chance of recovery. Once awake, he suffered from severe brain fog, memory loss, breathing problems, double-vision, serious infections, and was ultimately unable to eat, walk, or talk for several months. Cavin will share his insights into important factors that aided his recovery & how it feels 5 years later after suffering his injury.  We are also excited to talk about a special project soon to be book that Cavin and others are working on regarding nutrition for those unable to eat.  Join us for what is poised to