Authentic Warrior Radio

Ep. 34 - Authentic Warrior Radio feat. Jenna Goodman



Welcome to episode 34 of Authentic Warrior Radio, featuring Episode 24's very lovely Jenna Goodman, a friend of mine who is a local artist and a very thoughful human. This episode of AWR, hereinafter referred to as "AWWWRRRR!!!" is brought to you by Taj Eye, the maestro of video, music, and paint who was featured way back on episode 10. If you appreciate the cover art of this podcast, go over to and have a look-see at Taj's beautiful works. You can also go to and find a link to his website. If you're like me, and you have eyes, and a heart, don't miss this opportunity to feed your heart the artistic visual substance that it's always begging you for. It's begging because it's a human heart, and those things need art in order to continue cultivating spirit in the world. Would you starve your kid, or your pet? Unless you're some kind of abusive, rotten, toxic, neglectful, demon-plagued, psychopath, you had to have answered no to that question. If you didn't this is not the