Shattered Conception

19. Hyperemesis and Fetal Anomaly Termination with Paola Brass, Clinical Social Worker



My guest on Episode 19 is Paola Brass. She is a Clinical Social Worker who works as a Child Advocate at Stuart House, a program of the UCLA Rape Treatment Center in Santa Monica. Paola works with children and their families to provide crisis intervention, case management, advocacy, and court-related services for children who are victims of sexual abuse. Paola also participates in The Rape Treatment Center’s 24-hour on-call-response services for suspected victims of assault/abuse as a crisis counselor. Prior to coming to Stuart House, Paola investigated child abuse for 8 years with the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) as an Emergency Response Social Worker. While working with DCFS Paola had the opportunity to work closely with Stuart house, she found passion in the work she was doing with sexual abuse survivors and decided to pursue the role of a child advocate. After 9 plus years of clinical experience in supporting families during traumatic events Paola was able to recognize the