Shattered Conception

18. Miscarriage Mom author Kristy Parisi, M.A.



On Episode 18 of Shattered Conception my guest is the author of Miscarriage Mom: The Unspoken Realities of Miscarriage and How To Cope. Starting from the age of 27 through the age of 32 Kristy and her husband, Vincent, experienced 6 miscarriages. Kristy understands the pain and grief of losing an unborn child and losing many much wanted pregnancies. Her book offers heartfelt insights into the unforeseen realities surrounding miscarriage and suggests ways to cope. Miscarriage Mom openly addresses the emotions, reactions, and experiences to be expected after a miscarriage. Honoring your unborn baby, returning to work, and dealing with others' reactions are just a few of the many topics addressed. With a genuine desire to help numerous women, Kristy wrote Miscarriage Mom and includes a special "man-to-man" chapter written by her husband, Vincent.  This episode covers many common experiences a woman experiences not only with one miscarriage, but multiple miscarriages. Including the confusion, frustration and grie