Zoe Nightingale

I Love Eating Pussy - No Homo: DEMF Ep. 3



I can't even begin to explain the whirlwind of dancing I was in when I met Simone. I casually was trying to explain and show to a bunch of women why I've always had a hard time twerking. These women thought this was hilarious. I just can't do it. One of these women was covered in star tattoo's, and had this huge gorgeous smile and a boatload of banter and I thought, yep this is a woman who probably needs to step into a dark ally way with me sit on a pile of hazardous construction materials and chat with me about her life. And chat we did! I learned a lot from Simone, and what's interesting is she helped me understand some things about how you can live with dual sets of beliefs running concurrently inside your mind without them crashing up into one another. It's something I've been thinking about a lot as the upcoming elections loom closer and I try to figure out how is it that so many people can be so warm and loving and kind and still harbor these icebergs beneath the surface that need to be thawed out. So h