Off The Hookah With Phil And Cooper

Episode #103: How to Lose the Iran Deal in 10 Days



More tensions building between the United States and Iran this week: there was the prospect of a military strike after an American drone was shot down over by Iranian forces, as well as more sanctions, more troops to the Middle East, and an Iranian threat of enriching more uranium. Phil and Cooper give you the definitive timeline of events that led to these recent spats, accelerating due to the Trump Administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran. Also, is the Iran Nuclear Deal finished? And how have Iranians been affected by recent sanctions? We speak with Al-Monitor Iran Pulse contributors to get more color from the region. US blames Iran for Gulf tanker attack (Jack Detsch) Intel: What's next for US-Iran tensions after drone downing (Amberin Zaman) US sanctions fail to bend Iran’s economy, expert says (Jack Detsch) Iran says not seeking war after announcing boost in uranium stockpile Asia buoys Iran as sanctions hit (Barbara Slavin) How incompetence, sanctions jointly hit Ir