Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

How to Become Your Own Pain Whisperer with Janna Arsenault



Are you someone who suffers from constant physical pain? Do you ever wonder if you were just meant to be stuck in pain for the rest of your life? Trust me, I know! I’ve been there! Living in pain isn’t easy and I want to help give you the tools in order to take back control of your health!   That is one of the MANY reasons why I’ve invited my next radio show guest, Janna Arsenault, The Pain Freedom Expert, who will show you how to become your own pain whisperer!   We will be covering a plethora of information like:   Your pain is not JUST anatomical The 3 mistakes that you are making in the healing process How and why your pain is connected to your emotions And finally, WHAT you can do about it!  For free gifts! http://painfreedommethod.com