James Sinclair

Price VS. Experience Business - Understanding The Business Life Journey



In this episode of The James Sinclair Podcast I wanted to discuss the business life journey so we can understand the steps we need to take to ensure our businesses survive through the tough times. Cashflow is businesses biggest weakness, if the cash flowing then business can keep going. We talk about price focused businesses like Lidl and Aldi compared to experience focused businesses like Apple, Harrods and Rolex. Both types have their pros and cons so let's understand how they make it work regarding cash flow. Once we understand the business life journey we can apply this knowledge to small and medium sized businesses to keep the cash flowing and ultimately increase our profits. Why is it that some business owners are more successful than others? If you’ve listened to one of my many podcasts or watched one of my videos you’ll  be familiar with my passion to help business owners overcome some of their pain points.   Throughout my business journey I’ve met and helped countless entrepreneurs who:&nbs