Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

WAIT! DON'T SHIFT! - Rev. Jim Mannoia(7-21-19)



James has always been a controversial book. It is very directive and this emphasis on action made Martin Luther think it ought not even be included in the Bible! So it's a little ironic that in the six verses we will examine this week, James urges us to wait! As we have already seen in the earlier verses of the first chapter, and as we will see throughout the remainder of the letter, he wants to help us learn how to deal with the inevitable difficulties and hardships we face in life. In this week's section he suggests that we often fall into two opposing responses. When times are bad, we often shift the blame to God. And when times are good, we often shift the credit to ourselves. Instead, James says we must do neither, but instead, wait. This may be one of the hardest things for us to do as modern people. But he promises that if we can, there is an amazing reward in store. Come with an open heart, and listen for places in your own life where Christ is saying to wait.