Mommy Heroes

Mommy Hero: Mary Alexandra Zuleta Ep. 11



We discuss: Feminine vs Feminist in the healthcare arena Going from the status of victim to feeling empowered Women in healthcare evolving to bring more feminine qualities instead of females acting out male qualities or fighting the system just to be heard Feminine qualities in healthcare including nurturing, listening, nourishing, connection to mother earth, and holding space and allowing the individual to do their work in healing The Radiant Wellcare Summit as a perfect example of bringing more feminine healing qualities into the healthcare arena How good it is for women to have men that consciously use balanced masculine/feminine energy in their daily lives and healing modalities and also how good it is for other men to witness that Seeing and hugging Amma, “The Hugging Saint.” Amma as an excellent example of feminine energy in healing by her enormous sense of presence personal development events having a lasting effect vs. the high/low experience of some, where you have to re-enter the mundane The import