Things Above

The Beginning (PT6): The Great Flood



This episode is the sixth message in a 7-part series on Genesis 1-11. In this episode, we are going to see how this downward spiral of corruption that began in Genesis 3-4 keeps going until we get to a place where we are told that, “The Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth” Hopefully this episode will be very helpful in providing context and will give us a better understanding of Noah and the flood than many of us might have. Due to the popularity of the story and the way that it’s often portrayed in children’s book, many of us grow up with a confused idea about what Genesis is really trying to tell us in that story.  So many people think of the flood story as being a result of God’s anger, but as we will see in this episode, this story actually begins with God’s sadness and grief. Thanks for listening!Music: Sprites by Rosa Sharn; Outro by Shai LinneSupport the show