Things Above

The Beginning (PT4): Why Are We Here?



This episode is the fourth message in a 7-part series on Genesis 1-11. In this episode, we are going to be exploring the meaning of work and look at the answers that Genesis provides for - Why are we here and What is our purpose in life?For many of us, when we think about the Garden of Eden, we have this idea that humanity was meant to just hang out and enjoy this garden paradise with nothing else to really do except to eat, drink and enjoy the experience. And we often assume that the world was perfect until humanity ruined it and so now because of that we are forced to work to survive. But as we’ll see, this idea is not the picture that Genesis gives us about life in the garden. When we read the Genesis account, we see that not only is it offering revolutionary ideas in the ancient world about God, creation and humanity, but it is also offering what would have been a revolutionary perspective towards work and humanity’s purpose in this world.  Thanks for listening!Music: Sprites by Rosa Sharn; Outr