By The Mash Tun

29 - Icecream Pale Ale



Ever wandered what happens when you take the massive fruit punch of a New England IPA and push it even further? If you're adding actual fruit and other ingredients to boost that body into a creamy and sticky mess, you might be venturing towards an Icecream Pale Ale. Big in hops, fruit and body, this beer style may not be traditional, but it sure is delicious! As usual, we brew one ourselves and talk about it, then try these examples: Mike's White Chocolate White Stout from episode 15 Siren Craft and Magic Rock- Translucid IPA (not an Icecream Pale, but uses a Kveik yeast strain as mentioned in the episode) Arbor Ales and New Bristol Brewery - Whose Lime Is It Anyway? - * FINAL GRAVITY * We also take a look at the American Brown brewed in episode 21 ( Find out what went right, what went wrong, and what we learned by bre