Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 289 Worldbuilding Differences Novel vs RPG Setting



Today's Topic And do not forget the Kitchen sink Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show flow Big Picture of what is needed for Novel Vs RPG Setting 3 important needs for a novel setting Details needed for the narrative Details for the characters involved Enough background to remember and understand the setting you are using Everything the GM needs to know to understand what is needed Main Quest is optional Adventure hooks Convert world elements into desired system Everything the players should know in general about the setting. These could be total lies Optional Additions from the base system Subtractions Additional points of interest for the GM to flesh out if they want to Testing is never optional Worldbuilding Task Swap settings Real world task Remember being involved in the world around you does not mean to shape the world to look like you Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to hel