James Sinclair

What Stops Business Owners Building a Bigger Business?



I received a message on LinkedIn from someone sharing their pain about growing a business in the UK and how the VAT threshold was holding them back. I wanted to talk about how solopreneurs (those who don't employ) and grow their business and become entrepreneurs with a team. This comes back to one of my points in my letter to Boris Johnson about VAT and what changes could be made to help UK business owners. Many people avoid going past the VAT threshold because it will take 20% of their turnover which many small businesses can not afford, this then stops people growing the business and overall improving our economy. PS. Sorry about the ice cream sound effects... If you’ve listened to one of my many podcasts or watched one of my videos you’ll  be familiar with my passion to help business owners overcome some of their pain points.   Throughout my business journey I’ve met and helped countless entrepreneurs who:  - Don’t have time  - Don’t make the money they want to - Dream of but don’t ha