Bragging On Jesus

Mercy Or Sacrifice?



Throughout history many Religions of the World have believed that offering sacrifices to God brings people favor and makes them acceptable in God’s sight. It seems as though it is something built in man that lets him know that something must die… blood must be spilt to account for the brokenness of man. The Bible also makes this connection between sin and death and sacrifices. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death… Hebrews 9:22 …without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. We’ll come back to that shortly… So yes, there have been lot’s of human sacrifices to false gods throughout time… to try and make up for the inadequacy of humanity. The ancient Hawaiians believed that by sacrificing humans to Ku, the god of war, they could achieve victory in their battles. For the Mesopotamians, when royal families died, they sacrificed the palace attendants, warriors, and handmaidens so they could accompany their masters into the afterlife. The Aztecs believed that in order to keep the sun ali