Kardec Radio Talk Shows

Education in Heaven - the Spirit World Around Us with Brian Foster



Call in to listen and to participate: (858) 769-4705 Heaven is exciting, Heaven always has something new for us to learn and to become involved. What careers await us in Heaven can only be guessed at – but they must be more interesting than anything we do here on earth. Tonight we discuss what has been revealed to us about higher education in the different levels of Heaven. My blog is at: NWspiritism The topic we will discuss is at: The College of Colors Book covering the topic: Explore Your Destiny Facebook page to discuss Spiritism: Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us List of Previous Podcasts: Recorded Programs Please join us every Sunday at 7 pm eastern and 4 pm pacific for a live program to discuss a topic about Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us. Mark your calendars. The link to the upcoming program will always be on the right side of the nwspiritism.com blog home page. For Kardec Radio 24 hours a day, download the “Kardec Radio” app on your IOS or Android device.