Kardec Radio Talk Shows

7 Tenets of Spiritism - The Spirit World Around Us with Brian Foster



Call in to listen and to participate: (858) 769-4705 What are the seven tenets? They are the essential fluid and air in which we swim, walk and run in our daily lives. The seven tenets explain why your life is the way it is and how by realizing the Divine Force that surrounds us is a force for love, you can surmount any obstacle and withstand any ill wind. Not only survive but prosper.  For that is why we are here on earth. To learn, to improve, and to gain experiences. To place in the bottom of your heart that love, understanding, caring and serving are the tools we should use to solve every situation. My blog is at: NWspiritism The topic we will discuss is at: Spiritist Knowledge Book covering the topic: 7 Tenets of Spiritism – How They Impact Your Daily Life Facebook page to discuss Spiritism: Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us List of Previous Podcasts: Recorded Programs Please join us every Sunday at 7 pm eastern and 4 pm pacific for a live program to discuss a topic about Spiritism and the