Authentic Wellness Radio

#053: The Mind-Body - Sarah Anne Stewart



On this week's episode we are joined by holistic health practitioner Sarah Anne Stewart to discuss the mind-body connection - what it is, how our subconscious mind affects us, and what we need to do about it to achieve our heatlh goals. After watching her father reverse his terminal cancer by 'reprogramming his subconscious mind', Sarah has become a dedicated student to the world of holistic health and making mental change - espcially around weight loss.  We covered: - The importance of journalling, listening and 'removing distraction' - What kinds of thoughts live in our subconscious mind - and how we can access them - How the mind affects the body, and the body affects the mind Like what you've heard? Sign up so you'll NEVER miss an episode at Hosted by David White of Authentic Wellness Radio