Authentic Wellness Radio

#042: Why Bad Things Happen For Us - David White w/ guest host Liana Werner-Gray



When it comes to success on a health journey we're going to come up against obstacles - and for me a lot of those were very painful and challenging. For the first time I'm sharing the full version of my journey from obesity, depression, social anxiety and terrible health habits - even the parts I'm not comfortable with. Liana Werner-Gray of The Earth Diet was kind enough to be my guest host for this episode, and we delved deep into why bad things happen FOR us, not TO us.  We covered: - How deep the roots of bad health habits can run (and what to do about fixing them) - What you need to do to really create change in your life - Why bad things happen FOR us, not TO us - and how we can take advantage of them. Hosted by Liana Werner-Gray of The Earth Diet. Sign up so you'll NEVER miss an episode at