Authentic Wellness Radio

#037: Detox 101 - Amie Valpone



It's one thing to know a lot of stats, data and information about a topic - yet another to know first-hand what you're talking about because you've been there and done that before. Amie Valpone has really BEEN THERE and DONE THAT when it comes to detox - because at times her life has literally depended upon it.  On this simple how-to of the good, the bad and the ugly of Detox Amie teaches us: - What a detox program (that's going to work) looks like - and warning signs for the ones that won't - How the process of detoxification actually works and why it's a lifestyle instead of a short change - Tested and proven strategies to leave you feeling and looking great with simple detoxification Hosted by David White of RAW Health Radio Sign up so you'll NEVER miss an episode at