Diamond Factory

2019 - 7-1 YL Diamond Megan Jerrelle On Getting New Members To SHARE YL From The Get Go



OurSimpleTraining.com presents THE MONDAY NIGHT CALL YL Diamond Megan Jerrelle on Getting New Members to SHARE YL From the Get Go Do you pop up a rank during the Holiday season but just can’t seem to hold it the rest of the year? Or maybe you’ve held a rank on and off though out the year and are at a loss how to get your volume up enough to STICK IT for good. Dancing with a rank is exciting and also stressful. You do more classes, make more follow ups, and give away prizes and volume doesn’t budge, what do you do? During this episode of the Monday Night Call, YL Diamond Monday Megan Jerrelle will share with you how she started her business in 2014 as a new mom with little ones to tend to at home. She also started her business from ground zero without any online social following that would have given her a rocket boost into leadership ranks fast. She’s going to share her secrets of organic growing! What you’ll learn Monday: Getting new members on Essential Rewards and starting to share Young Li