Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day



If only I had more time, I could . . . get this project done . . . start my business . . . . . . write a novel . . . record a song . . . learn to  . . . . . . . . Would you like to go from procrastination to creative genius in 15 minutes a day? We all have the same 24-hours in each day, yet, some people find ways to write best sellers, create amazing art, design dresses or start a new business. What is it that those who manage to finish projects have that others do NOT? It’s creative genius: clarity, motivation, the Ability to get past their own anxieties to get their work out there. To the masses. So they can make a name for themselves. You don’t need more platitudes or encouragement. You need effective tools for overcoming the procrastination that you don’t even believe is procrastination because you’re busy . . . just not busy with what you need to do, to accomplish what you want to accomplish. The sock doesn’t need to be organized again and the silver doesn’t need to be polished. Frustration sucks