Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The Boy Who Died and Came Back



Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse. Robert Moss has had not ONE, not TWO, but THREE near death experiences (NDE'S) in his lifetime. He prefers using a phrase his dotor used when, at age three, he lost vital signs after succumbing to pneumonia. When he returned to his body, against all expectations, the doctor told his parents, "Your boy died and came back." His is an unforgettable journey that will expand your sense of realilty and confirm that there is life beyond death and in other dimensions of the multiverse. Moss describes how he lived a whole life in another world when he died, at age nine in a Melbourne hospital and how he died and came back again, in another sense, in a crisis of spiritual emergence during midlife. As he shares his adventures in walking between the worlds, we begin to understand that all times  . . . past, future and parallel . . . may be accessible now.