Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Psychic/Medium Readings



Jennifer is an Intuitive Evidential Medium who specializes in connecting people with their loved ones on the other side. She seeks to offer her clients personal and specific information from their loved ones that will confirm and affirm for them that there is eternal life in Spirit.  Her natural ability to use this gift began in childhood but did not grow and flourish until her twenties.   As messages began to pour in, Jennifer sought the counsel of some of the worlds’ best Mediums and began to study with Masters such as Lisa Williams and Tony Stockwell, as well as spending a significant amount of time studying at the famed Lily Dale Assembly.  Jennifer now works all over the United States and Canada offering private readings, group readings and gallery events.  She feels blessed to be able to serve God though her intuitive gifts.  In her personal life Jennifer is a wife, a busy mother of three young boys , two cats and a dog.  She currently lives outside of Philadelphia in a little blue house.