Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

For Richer or Poorer - Rev. Colleen Hurley-Bates (8-18-19)



For our sermon text this week, James is highlighting a situation which must have been happening in the church under his watch. Reading through it caused me to wince, thinking of similar experiences I have had and know about from others. James is emphatic that those who follow Christ should refrain from treating only some people well, especially when it heightens the divide between rich and poor. We are going to talk about what this scripture means, how this kind of behavior has hurt the church historically, and talk about why we engage in favoritism at all. James brings it home by reminding us how God treats us. I encourage you to read this scripture before Sunday as a way of allowing the Holy Spirit to affirm His truth in you. May we come into the sanctuary this week, seeing one another with His eyes. We will be singing a special song with the kids, since they will be joining us again for the last week before Sunday school begins.