Beyond Athletic With Ryan Jay Owens

#58 Decoding Human Potential with Steven Kotler



"ON FIRE" Ever felt like you could do no wrong, like every time to did something in your life, match or game that you were doing everything right? Ever had an incredible day as an athlete and it felt effortless? Learn what it means to get yourself into a state flow, how it happens and more. Biography Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning journalist. He is one of the world’s leading experts on high performance. Show Key Points: What flow is and why it matters What are the triggers of flow How athletes can optimize learning Guest Key Facts: 9 Bestsellers 4 New York Times Bestsellers 2 Pulitzer Prize Nominations Translated Into Over 40 Languages He is the author of eight bestsellers, including Stealing Fire, The Rise of Superman, Tomorrowland, Bold, Abundance, West of Jesus, A Small Furry Prayer and The Angle Quickest for Flight. His writing has been translated into over 40 languages and appeared in over 100 publications, including The New York Times, Atlantic M