The Truth About Trust With Vanessa Hall

Business Interview - Elaine Miller-Karas



Vanessa Hall interviews Elaine Miller-Karas, Executive Director & Co-Founder of the Trauma Resource Institute. Ms. Miller-Karas has 30 years experience in health education, teaching, social work and advocacy. She has co-created the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) and the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) and its adaptations for active duty military and veterans with Laurie Leitch. She is and has been TRI’s Project Manager for a State of California Innovations Grant in San Bernardino County, training community members in CRM skills. She has shepherded a symposium on CRM’s Implementation. Elaine has presented at major conferences including the 64th Annual Conference on Global Affairs, ISTSS and the Psychotherapy Networker. She authored a chapter in the book, To the Rescue: Stories of Healthcare Workers at the Scenes of Disaster. Ms. Miller-Karas has traveled internationally and trained workers and community leaders in social service agencies, hospitals and community agencies nationally and internationally,