Dr. Carol Francis

Yoga for Everyday Thriving, Living, Recovery -Radi8 - by Author Sindy Warren



Sindy Warren, Lawyer and Yoga Practitioner, authored RADI8.  – Warren teaches us to use the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine.  She offers a modern yogi’s exploration of the eight-limbed yoga path laid out in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Self-care enhance your ability to cope with daily strains yet remain in an Inner Peace, a state of respectful connection with yourself (Niyamas) or withdraw from worthless distractions (Pratyahara) or heightened concentration and focus (Dharana).  Use of mindfulness and meditations (Dhyana) and breathing (Pranayama) and ethical compassionate connections with others (Yamas) also supports your life increasingly moving on with direction, meaningfulness, and clarity.  Ultimately, Samadhi helps us connect to the ultimate Life Force, Universal Divine Energy, God, Unity Consciousness.    Each of these Yogic practices provide practical benefits to health, family connections, self-esteem.  These practices also help individuals grasp many tools that help heal the wounds of