Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Frolic in the Play Paradigm with Jana Carrey



Welcome to the Play Paradigm! Join Jana Carrey, the Elven Starseed Oracle, as we discuss the importance of embracing and embodying the energetics of play and fun. We will explore how healing trauma enhances our relationship with our inner child, helps us break our addiction to suffering and allows us to create a more magical life. To pray and to play everyday is the Elven Starseed Way! Jana Carrey is the Elven Starseed Oracle. The Elven Starseed Council are a group of Ascended Master and Angelic Starseeded beings who are here to help us co-create heaven on earth. Jana is a lightworker, an oracular channel, a divine feminine revolutionary and a master intuitive healer. Her work / play is a unique blend of quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, energetic herbalism, spiritual counseling and intuitively channeled guidance. Find out more about Jana and her work at janacarrey.com.