Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager

Out of the Fog: Shifting Into Your Divine Lens with Sue Frederick



Your Divine Lens (a spiritual, not religious view) reveals that you are a highly evolved soul who intended to shine your wisdom on the painful dark moments of your life. Lifelong intuitive Sue Frederick believes we can see our greatest pain as an enlightened soul agreement designed to help us move forward with strength and courage. Sue Frederick is the author of Your Divine Lens: The Secret to Finding Purpose, Healing Grief and Living in Alignment with your Soul; Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side; I See Your Soul Mate and I See Your Dream Job (St. Martin's Press). Sue draws upon dreams, ancient numerology, powerful intuition, and decades of spiritual study to help her clients and students fulfill their soul's mission & use their pain as fuel for a meaningful life. Her work reveals the gift of loss and how it's designed to fuel your greatest work. Sue has trained more than 500 intuitive coaches around the world. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, CNN.com, Rea