Independent Underground Radio Network (iurn)

REPLAY: Dr. Cathleen London on America's Healthcare Debate - IURN- 6/28 @ 9 pm



Welcome to the Independent Underground Radio Network (IURN) & Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST. The #1 Progressive Independent Left Politico Network on the Blog Talk Radio Network! Period! On Today's Show: WILL BE A REPLAY SHOW of our previous interview w/ Dr. Cathleen London *Guest: Dr. Cathleen London is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and comes to Door to Door Doctors with years of experience in this area of specialty. Dr. London will join us to Discuss The Rising Costs of American Healthcare and bring solutions on how to solve this on-going problem. *Is Trump/45th former Leading America Into A Themonuclear War with China, North Korea and Russia to Divert a Timely Investigation of His Administration Ties With Russia and Election 2016? *Plus We'll Roundtable The Latest Michigan Politics News and more!!! Independent Underground Radio LIVE Host, Monica RW is an owner/writer for the popular Independent Underground News website, media consu