Independent Underground Radio Network (iurn)

Guest: Alicia Guevara Warren from MLPP on Michigan's Budget Deficit 1/27@9pm ET



Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Aired each Tuesday & Thursday at 9pm ET.    On Today's Show- What is the true facts on Michigan's $325 MILLION dollar budgetary deficit for 2015 and an estimated $100 MILLION PLUS for 2016? Will there be cuts to services for the state's lower and middle class residents plus public schools AGAIN at the expense of continual tax cuts for the top 1% and C & S Corporations statewide? Let's Dig Into the Details with our EXCLUSIVE GUEST, Tax Policy Analyst Alicia Guevara Warren of the non-partisan Michigan League of Public Policy. This is a must not miss interview! Also, Civil Rights activist Dick Gregory visited Michigan for Eastern Michigan University Martin Luther King day celebration, and gave a firery speech of what really happening in today's society. Listen to the speech on today's show! Finally, we will reply our highly popular episode "It's All About Witness 40 - Sandra McElroy" the Woman that was proven to hav