Independent Underground Radio Network (iurn)

Deficits, Taxes, Racist Party People - Day in the Life of MI Politics -1/15 @9pm



Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Aired each Tuesday & Thursday at 9pm ET.   On Today's Show:  Taxes Increases, Deficits and Racist Michigan Republican Party Leaders --- OH MY!! As usual or since January 1, 2010, the day Gov. Rick Snyder was sworn into office the first time, Michigan is back in the news again -- this time --times three. Michigan is predicted to run a $437 Million deficit, Say Hello to the Internet Sales Tax Michiganders and State Republican National Committee Chairman Dave Agema racist Facebook post again, just proved what we already knew....he was a racist but either way, we'll discuss. What's the deal with Detroit Public School's EAA (Educational Achievement Authority) Mary Esselman, the district’s deputy chancellor of instructional support and educational accountability (now resigned) and failed educational software Detroit and Michigan's Tax Payers dollars were wasted upon. We will talk about the latest Metro Times report by Curt Guy