Independent Underground Radio Network (iurn)

Does Justice Exist for Blacks in America? A Harsh Review of Realities @ 9pm ET



Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Aired each MONDAY & WEDNESDAY. On Today's Show: We will discuss the second "No True Bill" Grand Jury Decision in the past two weeks in the unjustified death of a Black Male - Eric Gardner in New York City. In light of the first non-grand jury decision in the Ferguson, MO Michael Brown murder, it is time to declare that justice cannot exist for Blacks in America? Where do we go from here? As in what does the African-American community do from here? Depend on "Has-Been" Civil Right Leaders while Blacks are continually killed in American streets by cops or quasi cops? Stage protests again and if so how, when and what is the end of said protests? A discussion again that has led to no charge over the last 60 years? Let talk in a honest conversation. Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) FEATURED FOUR YEAR ON BTR -Progressive Talk Radio- podcast based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan and National Politics, breaking news