Women Camp

Get Ready to Launch: Ready - ASSESS and ACTIVATE



To determine the direction you need to travel, you must first assess which way you’re facing and until you start the engine, your car won’t transport you to your destination. Ladies, we are on a journey to achieve greatness. We’ve discussed researching destiny and educating ourselves, today we’re going to assess our current status and activate the engine to our transportation system. The Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tzu said, “knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.  Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.” Join the conversation with Servola, Dr. Charlene, Samantha, and Tricia on today's broadcast. We're looking into the mirror to discover ourselves and igniting the engine within us, in our preparation to launch in 2018.  As you add to the conversation with your self portrait, together, we will reach women around the world who are seeking to find that single most important piece of their success puzzle.  Let's get "R.E.A.D.Y.!"  Research, Educate, Activate, Develop