Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Helen Riess: Author of The Empathy Effect: Seven Neuroscience-Based Keys for Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Work, and Connect Across Differences – 110.



I am excited to introduce Dr. Helen Riess: Author of The Empathy Effect: Seven Neuroscience-Based Keys for Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Work, and Connect Across Differences on Extraordinary Women Radio! Happiness is grounded in relationships of all kinds. The ways we connect with others at home, work, school, in business, as parents, educators, employers and mentors. The more we understand how to connect meaningfully, the more those relationships will thrive. Empathy is an essential element in good relationships. Our guest today, Dr. Helen Riess literally wrote the book on empathy. Her new book, The Empathy Effect: is a A Revolutionary Guide for Understanding and Changing the Way We Connect. Dr. Riess shares how we can learn to cultivate our empathy and why it is more important today than ever. We talk about: How the topic of "empathy" chose Dr. Riess The decline of empathy in the healthcare section and how the power of empathy is very essential today more than ever Helen’s description on how