Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Lily Nie: Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame Inductee & Founder of Chinese Children Adoption International – 106



I am excited to introduce today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Lily Nie, a Colorado Women's Hall of Fame Inductee and Founder of Chinese Children Adoption International (CCAI). Imagine being responsible for placing over 12,000 orphaned children into loving homes. Imagine the ripple effect this had for each child... each family... This is was Lily has done over the course of her lifetime! In this episode, Lily shares the story of how she and her husband build the Chinese Children Adoption International to create a ripple effect of change around the world. Lily is a prominent leader and orphan advocate in international adoption and children service community.  As a co-founder of Chinese Children Charities/CCAI, Lily has saved lives of over 12,000 abandoned Chinese children since 1992, mostly girls, by placing them with loving and secure American adoptive families. And on top of that, Lily has impacted over 70,000 Chinese orphans’ lives by bringing them over ten million dollars’ worth of food, clothes,