Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Gina Schreck: LinkedIn Top B2B Marketer and Fast Company Top Woman Influencer – 104



Today's episode of Extraordinary Women Radio is with Gina Schreck, the president and founder of SocialKNX, a digital marketing and social media management company. Gina is ranked by LinkedIn as one of the Top 24 B2B Marketers to follow in 2019 and and ranked as one of the top 50 women influencers on-line in FastCompany’s Influence project! Gina continues to be voted as one of the top online social media coaches by Content and Digital Marketing World. Her latest book, Social Media Doesn't Work... unless you do! Helps marketers and business’s DO SOCIAL RIGHT! She has so much wisdom to share with us on how do social media right! She is an international speaker, author of several other books including Getting' Geeky with Twitter, and was the technical editor on the latest Complete Idiots Guide to Social Media! Gina is also the founder of The Village Workspace in Denver which is a coworking space designed with the female entrepreneur in mind! Gina is married and is the co-founder of 4 tech-savvy kids who call