Rogue Podron

Rogue Podron Mission 14-0: Revenge of the Sith Commentary with the Skyhoppers (aka Floss Mas)



We gathered once again with our pals from Skyhoppers to watch a Star War. This time, episode THREE (otherwise knows as three eyes): Revenge of the Sith! What would droids look like with skin? What is actually happening during a Mon Cala opera? Which members of the podcast actually make it through the whole commentary track without falling asleep? (You know exactly who). LISTEN TO FIND OUT! This week’s glistener question: (Same as last time) Is Yaddle’s species a mammal or a reptile? Show your work. Contact Us: Tweet us @roguepodron or e-mail us at Website: Support us on patreon:  Hosted by Meg, Danny, Saf, and Heath. With special guests Byn and Ash from Skyhoppers Podcast.