Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

GATS is for Truckers! Ask-a-Lawyer and MORE



GATS is for Truckers! Ask-a-Lawyer and MORE  6 PM et Call in 347-826-9170 The Great American Trucking Show (GATS) is right around the corner! GATS will be held Aug. 24-26 in Dallas, Texas, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Join the discussion tonight as our guests Idella Hansen and Desiree Wood of RWIT share the highlights of the "Ask-A-Lawyer event at GATS"  Topics include: Wrongful termination,Discrimination,Harassment,Retaliation,Whistle blower protection,Lease Violations,DAC Reports,Employment labor,Sexual Harassment, Misclassification A “Lady Truck Driver Forum Panel Discussion” sponsored by the “Truckers Justice Center” will be held on the main exhibit floor Les WIllis of Godspeed Expediters will once again be in charge of the parking lot, aka the  TA | Petro Truck Parking Community Located at the Cotton Bowl’s Fair Park, the TA-Petro Truck Parking Community will provide truck drivers with free shuttles to and from the convention center, food vendors, showers, restrooms and more. t