Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Open Forum- Vote NO! FAA anti-trucker bill and ELDs



Open Forum- Vote NO! FAA Anti-Trucker bill and ELDs!! Saturday 6PM ET Call in 347-826-9170 Two major trucker issues right now affecting Trucker wages are:  1) the last minute FAA reauthorization amendments that the ATA has "urged" Lawmakers to slip in an aviation bill this week. The amendments are the Fisher Amendment and the Denham Amendment. The ATA vowed last year that this was their MAIN priority. The reason?  To keep drivers wages low.  If the amendments are allowed in the FAA bill, it will ensure that drivers will only be paid piece work wages and nothing more.  All detention time, waiting, paperwork, etc... will be expected to be done for free. Read more Anti-Trucker wage language in 2 bills to ensure cheap labor and high profits TO CALL NOW. WE ONLY HAVE A FEW DAYS TO STOP THIS!! 202-224-3121 Tell your Reps to SAY NO to FAA reauthorization bill’s Anti Trucker wage amendments Fisher Amendment in the Senate bill and Denham Amendment in the House bill (State preemption,meal & rest break Amend