Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Top 10 indigenous all-natural cures



AskTheTrucker "live' Thursday night health show Top 10  indigenous all-natural cures (you'll be surprised to hear what they are..... Are they legal?) Thursday Nov 3 6PM ET 347-826-9170 Before World War II, there were few processed foods, no genetically modified organisms, no chemical pesticides, no over-the-counter medications loaded with artificial food dyes and heavy metal toxins, no artificial sweeteners, or fluoride in the tap water, Very few Americans suffered from many of todays diseases and had much less of the modern day "chemical cures". What they DID have, were a lot more natural cures and not the side effects of todays pharmaceuticals. So what did people use for natural cures? Our guest tonight, Carolyn O'Byrne of Life Coach Service will join us as we talk about the Top 10 Indigenous all natural cures.... including Hemp Seed Oil, Cannabidiol (CBD), and Medicinal mushrooms:( Oh My)