Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Trucking Open Forum- Blocking Fair Wages for Truckers



Just as the Denham Amendment attempted, but failed, to prevent Fair wages for truckers in last years Highway Bill known as the FAST ACT, once again the large motor carriers (ATA) have managed to slip in the same exact provision into H.R. 4441, the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act, otherwise known as the FAA Reauthorization Bill. The Act was introduced by the House of Representatives. The “AIRR” Act as it is called, is a bill designed to authorize aviation programs, but on pp 256-258, Title VI, Sec 611, labeled Federal Authority, the attack on driver wages was slipped in by these members of the U.S House of Transportation Committee. Listen to our last show explaining the dangers of the Denham Amendment and read more via OOIDA's Fighting for Truckers page. We believe this attack on wages exploits new CDL drivers. Attorney Christina Humphrey is our guest who will discuss Section A and B of the provisions within the FAA Reauthorization Bill. 347-826-9170 and press"1" to join the conversati