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Trucking Open Forum - Special Alert to discuss Transportation Bill Amendment



Trucking Open Forum - Special Alert to discuss Transportation Bill Amendment Special Show Alert Tuesday 11/17/15 6PM ET  Call in 347-826-9170 The House Transportation bill has an amendment, which, if approved in the final version of the House and Senate Transportation bill, could be damaging regarding wages of professional drivers. It's called the Denham Amendment 114-21. Last week the Truth About Trucking network set out an all out campaign to bring awareness to this harmful amendment. Listen to Saturdays Denham Amendment segment on AskTheTrucker "Live' here We have been joined by many, including, the Professional Truckers Association Group, and thousands of drivers throughout the country.  But still many are confused as to what the repercussions affecting drivers will be. Today, OOIDA announced their strong opposition to the Denham Amendment sending a call to action to their members, claiming  it would unravel mandated fair-pay for drivers and would empower large carriers to furt